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New LiveMath Version 3.6!
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What's New in LiveMath 3.6?
Quick Introductory Video

LiveMath™  is a computer algebra and graphing system designed for the mathematician (or mathematics student or scientist) who is not necessarily a programmer.

Many of the computer algebra products available today are based upon writing a strict syntax language of programming commands and structures. Quite often, one spends more time fighting with the syntax and the requirements of the programming code than actually doing the math

PrintMath™ is a professional typesetting expression creator for use with word processors (such as Word, Nisus) or graphical layout programs (InDesign, Illustrator, Quark) to bring re-editable gorgeous mathematical expressions to your documents and layouts.

You are probably familiar with various competitors that try to help you type math, but most of them look horrible. And although TeX looks gorgeous, that is a programming language in its own right, whose mastery takes years to achieve.



Multiplatform & Multilingual

Drag-and-drop Algebra and Graphing
Typeset Math - Not Computer Code
Cool Palettes for easy input
Spectacular Graphics - Drag-and-Spin 3D Graphs
Small Learning Curve - Start Doing Math Immediately!
Post Notebooks To Web For FREE Viewing & Interaction
Do The Math - Not Computer Programming

Compare LiveMath with other Computer Algebra System programs:
Other Programming-based
CAS Packages
Learning Curve Up and Running FASTER than any other CAS! Steep learning curve; sometimes you need a Sherpa to help you.
Graphics Animations Totally Easy!
Highlight graph, highlight parameter, Click
Look up the code, maybe you'll get it to work
Show Intermediate Steps to a Calculation LiveMath is made for this! Impossible. Unless you are a genius programmer with lots of patience.
Spin, Turn, Slide 2D and 3D Graphs on the Fly Just drag the mouse over the graph to turn, spin, slide. Even "throw" a 3D graph to keep it spinning! Clunky at best. Definitely not on-the-fly.
Post notebooks to the Web for others to interact with it for FREE LiveMath Viewer is FREE and LIVE. Spin graphs, change inputs to recompute. No FREE LIVE options. Only FREE option is to look at notebook only with no interaction.
Graph Zoom-in, Zoom-out, Knife-in on-the-fly Part of the Tools of any Graph - all visually oriented. Change numerical options - in the correct place - non-visually.
Password-Protect Notebooks Share your work, but not give it away. Nothing.
Define Your Own Algebraic Simplification Rules Transform object lets you define your own algebra Master programmer might be able to do this.
Copy/Paste Text or Expressions out into other formats. Automatic, and customizable. Possible to set up, but not easy, and not default.
Small Program Installer Size 4MB (Windows), 12MB (OSX). Easily downloadable. Behemoths. Multiple DVDs required!
Flexible Licensing Short-term licenses: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, or open-ended. Astronomical prices.
Product Line
  LiveMath™ 3.6
Explore computer algebra and fantastic graphing without the programming code.
Create Beautiful Expressions for all word processors and layout programs in gorgeous PostScript
  LiveMath™ Viewer FREE
Open and Interact with pre-made LiveMath notebooks
  LiveMath™ Plug-In: Retired
It was a good run. Use LiveMath Plug-In Extractor to get embedded LiveMath notebooks into LiveMath Viewer

  Getting Started in LiveMath
Multimedia-based mini-courses to get you up and running quick!
  Math Course Curriculum
Free and Fee-Based Curriculum for Your Math Course
  Starter Library Notebooks
Fill up your Starters Library with LiveMath notebooks in a variety of topics and areas
  LiveMath Gallery
Connect with other LiveMath users via their projects.

  Distance Calculus @ Roger Williams University
Take University-level For-Credit Calculus courses using LiveMath technologies

MathMonkeys, LLC
9 Grapevine Avenue, Suite 4
Lexington, Massachusetts 02421 USA
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© 1999-2025 . MathMonkeys, LLC. All rights reserved. "LiveMath" and "PrintMath" are registered trademarks of MathMonkeys, LLC.
LiveMath was formerly known as MathView, and before that, Theorist.
PrintMath was formerly known as MathEQ, and before that, Expressionist.

Some rights continue to be a bit wild, so watch yerself.